Darwin’s Friends

Best Friend



Darwin’s first and “BFF”. She is a Rhodesian Ridgeback cross. She is extremely fast and energetic and can run rings around Darwin (though Darwin has a tighter turning circle). She also loves a wrestle with Darwin. The pair often hang out together and even stay together when either or both Owners are out-of-town.

Unfortunately, Simba has a stress disorder and gets a bit snappy when stress levels are a bit high (such as in a dog park). We think it must have been from some trauma she suffered before being rescued. So she tends to stay at home or hang around with her Owner when not playing with Darwin.






If Simba is Darwin’s BFF then Bella is Darwin’s first girlfriend. She is literally the “beagle next door”. Bella has a very sweet disposition and is popular with the children going to and from school, accepting an “hello” and sometimes a pat from them or their parents. Darwin often goes on walks with her and will always stop by to sniff out her house when on a North directed walk.

Bella loves to eat, like most dogs. She has on occasion broken into her Owner’s shed and finished off a whole big bag of kibble in one afternoon.

They have had 1 litter together, which resulted in Charlie (see blog for the story of the family). The family get together now and then to walk or just play.

Charlie 8 weeks

Charlie is the son of Darwin and Bella. He is a very active young beagle pup who is now looking forward to exploring the world beyond his home.

Bella has been a very attentive mother for him. Likewise, Darwin goes over to his house to sniff and play with his boy regularly. When Charlie is playing with Darwin, Bella often take a bit of “time out” from mothering to just sit with her or Darwin’s owners and be a bit pampered.

Like any other young pup, Charlie thrives on mischievous activities such as chewing shoes, digging in pot plants and trying to steal mum’s bone from under her nose (the last of which earns him a growl and a cuffing from Bella).

Allen Street Park Friends

 Chum-lee (“Chum”)

Chum Lee

Chum Lee

Chum-lee or just “Chum” is Darwin’s best playmate at the local fences dog park. He is incredibly energetic and loves to run, run and run some more. Darwin and Chum have many happy hours at the park together, especially on weekend afternoons. He is a Happy Staffy but can get “in yer face” with his excitement, so some dogs get upset with him at first (Darwin just tries to jump on him and pin him down, as does Loki – see below). With other dogs, once the Owners intervene the situation usually settles down so that within a few minutes all is forgotten and the dogs are happily running around together.

Chum’s life mission is to chew every stick, large and small, in the park to mulch. He is also very fond of tennis balls.




Loki is a Young Border Collie who is also one of Darwin’s favourite playmates at the local fenced dog park. His herding instinct leads to great chases of Darwin and Chum all over the park, wrestling and other games. His energy levels are very high but not quite as high as Chum. He is getting the hang of fetching balls – sort of.

Loki and his owner like a good jog and when not in the park are often out running.




Ruby is a very cute little dog who is also a regular at the local fenced dog park. She is not as robust as the boys so tends not to rumble with them. However, she does enjoy chasing them around on occasion. The rest of the time, she just watches the big boys whizzing by or plays with other small dogs in the park.

Ruby is perhaps the best trained of the girl dogs Darwin plays with in the park. She is getting the hang of the agility circuit and almost completes it.



Duxx is a young Jack Russell Kelpie cross who is a regular at the park. He is very well-trained and is getting the hang of things like turning lights on/off and fetching.  Like many of the puppies at the park, he is always on the go and can chase down balls for hours. He enjoys a good chase.

Duxx and Darwin

Duxx is helping his owner write the webpage for the Allen Street Dog Park. Check it out on: www.allenstreetdogpark.info.

Texas and Benny


Two regulars of the park, Tex and Benny are young locals who prefer a ball game over wrestling or chasing each other. Texas is the Kelpie and Benny is the blue.

Darwin has had a few fun afternoons with them. They are good boys who play well.

George,  Delilah and Aldo


This amazing Scottish trio love the park. George is the Elder dog who acts like a 3-year-old (he is over 10 human years). The two younger terriers treat him like an older brother.

Though a bit gruff at times, it is all an act. They enjoy a chase as much as the other dog.



Moet is a young black Labrador who both enjoys walks in the off leash area and going to the park. He has quite an appetite and has grown a bit large, so is now on a strict food and exercise regimen. This has done wonders for his weight and his energy levels are coming back. Look out world!



Datak, named after a character from Defiance (the TV series) is a cute young border collie. At 4 months, he is still learning the ropes around the park (such as taking a shower from Tyson drool). He is a bundle of energy and very keen to play with dogs and humans. He already has the agility gear down pat.



Chip is an active little puppy who is often seen at the park. He enjoys rumbling with bigger dogs including Loki.

Update: Chip has had a haircut and joined the Navy (along with his owner). He has toughened up and to match his new image has taken up wood cigars (nasty habit).

Chip cigar



Mocha is a young husky pup who runs in rings around many of the other park dogs. Being a young pup, he is not the most socially aware of all digs and is a bit in your face at yes.  However,  all he is after is a good chase and tumble.



Bobby is a happy puppy who is a constant feature at the park. He plays with every dog, big or small. Datak, Chip and Burro particularly like his company (Darwin particularly likes just about everyone’s company).



Tyson is a 4-year-old mass of  compressed energy who visits the park in the evenings.  He is happy to play with almost anyone in the park and very happy share his drool.

Darwin doesn’t mind the drool. Duxx really enjoys his drool (yummy). Go figure.

Tien Tien

Tien Tien

Tien Tein (which means “Sky” in Chinese) is a very cute very white fluffy puppy who enjoys the park chasing the older dogs and wrestling. He is very sociable and loves to try to play with even the biggest dogs (he will be huge himself once he grows up).

With such a fluffy coat, he invariably collects bindies like flies but they are much harder to comb out. Darwin has a much shorter coat and therefore generally shrugs off bindies with a single shake.



You are not seeing double.  Barry (the beagle standing up) is a young beagle who has just started coming to the park.  He Is a bouncy puppy who happily plays with everyone.

Darwin is very happy to have another young beagle playmate. It is much more fun and challenging to chase a dog who is just as fast as you and has the same turning angle.



A 9 month old Malamute with boundless energy, Rogue is a bounding large furry mass of fun. This puppy is an expert at squash games and loves a chase and rumble.


A young German Shepard with a very peaceful personality, Burro loves the park and socializing with the other dogs there. He is as energetic as any other dog in the park and has a really good run with the pack.



Dudley is a 2-year-old with the energy of a puppy. He is very friendly and enjoys both dog and human company. He usually gets restless about 3 pm on until he taken to the park.

Darwin thinks he is Batman.



Rocky is another frequenter of the park. He is a gentle three-year old who enjoys a dog’s life. Darwin has an occasional chasing game with him.


Jade is a Shar Pei. He has an outgoing demeanor and is happy to play with the rest of the gang, although wrestling is not usually his thing. Hanging out is just fine, thank you.

On the other hand, Jade has been known to go ape playing chasing games. He really can get the speed up when he wants to.


Dynamite with Darwin on his tail

Dynamite with Darwin on his tail

Dynamite is a very active one year old Lab who seen around the park. He is as active as Chum-lee and enjoys the same chasing and running. He enjoys it as much as his food.

Darwin for some reason growls when playing with Dynamite. But it is just playtime for the both of them, as can be seen by the grins on their faces.



Holly is a little over one year old. She is an active Golden Retriever who enjoys chasing, tug of war and generally running around.  She enjoys chewing sticks and is into digging in the garden bed. Bones are a favorite hole filler.

Like all the park goers, Holly needs incentives to leave the park.  Fun is fun.



Eddie is a loving staff ie mastiff cross. He is very chilled and loves hanging around the park for the sheer joy of lying on the grass. He doesn’t mind a run and playing with the other dogs though.



Mya is a very active 7 year-old miniature poodle. She enjoys ball games and the company of dogs and humans. She also has plenty of walks around the North Strathfield area.

Mya and her owner discovered the park relatively recently. However, she has taken to it with gusto.




Toodooe is a happy American Staffie who loves playing with humans and other dogs. She gets obsessed with tennis balls (which she prefers to keep and chew), sticks and her playmates.

She has oodles of energy and is into dog chases. Did we mention she loves balls?



Oscar is a young cavoodle. He earned his name because his wild behaviour (go figure).  He enjoys chasing and wrestling. His family enjoys bringing him to the park and playing with friendly dogs.

Oscar tends not to stop until he is completely worn out. He is pretty cheeky but eager to please.



Simba is a young cocker spaniel.  He is very active. Like many pups, he loves a chase and wrestle.  He is a crazy little playful dog. Simba doesn’t mind rough play with bigger dogs. He thinks they are all great friends to play with.



Cookie is a delightful Westie. He has just started coming to the park with his owner and is enjoying playing with the other dogs. A bit older than most of the dogs (he is about 5 human years), he lends a bit of maturity to the place.

Darwin thinks “Cookie, Cookie, Cookie starts with C”.



Tallie is a young pup hailing from a Naval family. He is a very active doggy who enjoys a good rough and tumble as well as a chase. Tallie’s grin is hugely infectious.

Darwin likes Tallie’s drool. Darwin’s owner, on encountering Darwin covered with the stuff, not so much.


20141231_170314Chester is an adorable King Charles Cavalier Spaniel. At 2 and a half years, he enjoys a  bit of park going and agility training with his owners. He loves food like every other dog, particularly baked dinners with chicken.



Hendrix is a 4 month old  beagle who has a howling good time at the park. He likes a good wrestle and chase. He is fond of a good meal and a chew. He has become even more fond recently of the muddy hole near the drinking fountain.

Darwin occasionally enjoys a good tumble with Hendrix. He thinks he looks a bit like his own son Charlie.



Milo is a rare bloodhound beagle cross. He is a socially well-adjusted boy who enjoys the sniffing around and the company of other dogs.

Darwin mostly thinks he is an extra-large beagle. He has it half right.



Summer is a dingo cross who loves a run in the park. He is well-socialized but a bit timid with people. Though part dingo, he isn’t the best at climbing or jumping.

Summer has lived in the area for some time. However his owners have only just found Allen St Park.



Toffee is a happy active Cavoodle. He loves his park time. He enjoys playing with big and small dogs.He is sometime mistaken for Cookie.  Darwin thinks he smells nothing like either toffee or cookies. He just smells like a dog.



Brooklyn is a Boston Terrier who enjoys walks and visiting the park. She is a fairly calm dog but doesn’t mind a chase game or two. She lives with her owners and her cousin, Montana, who is still a puppy who is just about old enough to play in the park.



Winston is a happy 14 month old Labrador. He enjoys park time and  the company of other dogs. Although he is Labrador sized, he gets a bit timid around little snapping dogs. He loves cuddles from any human. He would be happy to sit around for hugs all day.

Darwin thinks he wouldn’t mind a cuddle or 3 either. An a scratch. And some food. And …



Lacey is an energetic Boston Terrier / Pug cross. He is good friends with Hendrix but will happily play with many dogs.

Darwin is not sure whether he is a bug or a bog. Either way, he’s fun to play with.

 Speedo and Patch


Speedo and Patch are a pair of young King Charles Cavaliers. They are very active dogs who love nothing better than to chase each other and wrestle all day. They also love going to the park and social in with other dogs and people.



Dog arrived for her first visit recently. She’s a very timid girl, having been rescued from an horrible situation in the Northern Territory this year. She has a scar from a burn on her back and obviously needs socialization training to fit into the world of the park. Her mothers are both making a bit effort help her adjust.

 Cael Cael

Literally the “dog next door”, Cael lives in one of the houses next to the south-east fence of the park. Though you might think this is cool, Cael does get a bit frustrated when he can smell and hear a lot of dogs in the park but cannot go there to play because his owners are not back from work yet. Just to make it worse, Darwin sometimes gets on a bench in the park and howls at him to jolly well hurry up and get here. Darwin is not the most understanding of dogs in this situation.

When he gets to the park, Cael loves running, chasing and wrestling with the other dogs. He knows the grass is greener on the park side.



Aslan is a young Golden Retriever who loves being at Allen St Park. He is very active and bouncy. He loves racing around playing chase.

Darwin thinks he is a less furry version of Holly. Aslan would disagree, if he could talk.



 Jasper is a gorgeous Chocolate Labrador. He just retired from being an assistance dog and is looking forward to an enjoyable relaxing pension. Darwin thinks Jasper has Buckley’s of a quiet life at Allen Street Dog Park. Most dogs here are too busy chasing around, wrestling with each other and generally having a great time.



Boris is a 1 year-old border collie who has just started to visit Allen Street Dog Park. He is a very bouncy active dog who is enjoying his park time. He is still quite young and gets in the face of some of the older dogs, but he seems keen and willing to learn the dog manners and social niceties needed when dogs rub shoulders in off-leash situations.

Bo Bo

Bo BoBo Bo is a nice young dog who has recently joined the Allen Street Dog Park crowd. He has a great time here, especially playing with the smaller dogs. Darwin is looking forward to a run and chase with him.


RicoRico is a part-kelpie, likely little bit dingo, kind of dog. He made his first visit to Allen Street Dog Park just recently (Australia Day weekend). He had a good turn of speed and once he gets settled into visiting the park regularly will be very popular in chase games.



Axon is a very sprightly 7 year-old Labrador. In fact, he runs and plays like a 7 month-old puppy. He is a recent arrival to the park and by all accounts seems to enjoy his time taking in the new smells and sounds.



They call him Bruce, this young Staffy who has just started coming to the Allen Street Dog Park. He is a full 25 kg worth of hard muscle who will bowl humans over during his flat out chasing games with other dogs. Darwin is a bit smaller and thinks he could do with a bit less bowling over, under or straight through.



Montana is still very little, barely old enough to come to the park. She lives with her owners and with her cousin Brooklyn (see above). Even as a little pup, Montana is cheeky and active, and has a great personality.



Rosie is a lovely spoodle (Japanese Spitz Poodle ctoss). She loves people and other dogs. She also loves water.

Darwin thinks she looks like she would love playing in the mud.  Her owner thinks maybe not.



Ondog is an adorable very tiny pomeranian maltose cross. He is very happy wandering around the park. However, he can be a bit timid. Darwin wonders how he sees through all that fur.


20150305_19053020150305_190508Tom is a happy dog who enjoys a run in the park. He Is a fan of all the people and the dogs He meets.

Darwin thinks He really likes Tom too. Moet also really likes him. Nice when everyone likes everyone.



Pepe is a cool poodle who likes hanging in the park. He also likes chasing sticks and balls.

Darwin enjoys stealing Pepe’s ball and whinging to Pepe about having had a bath. Pepe isn’t particularly sympathetic.

Mr Miyagi and Kaiju

20150309_182704 20150309_182503

Mr Miyagi (top) and Kaiju (the brown and tan chap in the lower picture) are a nice duo of rescue Staffie crosses. They enjoy a run around and chasing games.

Their owners say that the dogs were “both rescues through Fetching Dogs although Mr Miyagi was only meant to be a foster dog but we fell in love with him and decided to adopt him”.

Darwin thinks more people should fall in love with dogs. The world would be a better place.



Bella is a 2- 3 year old lemon beagle. She is not really part of the park beagle brigade But when she comes to the park she enjoys the trip.

Darwin thinks she would like more park time.


20150314_153808ĺNala is a little cavoodle. Only 18 weeks old, she races around with the enthusiasm of a much older dog.

Darwin thinks she will grow up to be a fine dog.



Charlie is a proper little King Charles Spaniel. He likes chasing other dogs around the park and checking out the scents.

Darwin thinks he is a fun dog to be around.



Bobby is a cute poodle.  Immaculately groomed, he enjoys roaming the park with his owner.

Darwin likes Bobby’s haircut, but would need hair extensions to get the right look.



Obi is a 5 month old Samoyed who has just started to come to the park. He has a great personality and is ready to play with any dog.

Darwin thinks Obi uses the light side of the force to keep cool.



Turbo is a cute Miniature Schnauzer who has just found the park. He enjoys the company of the park dogs especially Duxx.

Darwin likes his neatly trimmed mustache.  He reminds him of a proper English gentleman.



Bella is a very active young Border Collie. She and Loki have a great time spinning around the park together.  She loves balls more than the average dog.

Darwin thinks two Border Collies are better than one.



Momo is a 7 year old very active fellow.  He is a shitzu poodle cross with a pleasant personality.

Darwin was pleased to make his acquaintance.  And let him sniff his backside.  This is polite in dog speak.



Hugo is a regular at the park. He loves playing with the other dogs. He is a pretty active fellow who enjoys a chase and run. Especially a run away from his owners when it’s home time.

Darwin thinks Hugo is a cool bloke.


20150315_183950Alfie is a happy active young boxer who just celebrated his birthday in March. He loves chasing and being chased.

Darwin thinks he would rather chase Tyson. Tyson would rather chase no one, thank you very much.


20150315_185555Baxter is a Maltese cross something.  Mostly Maltese. He can be a bit shy at first but soon becomes the life if the party, up for chasing and other games. He can be a bit of a tease to other dogs, providing he can get away with it.

Darwin thinks he would be good fun at a party. Anyone got a good dog party coming up?


20150315_191252Jackie is anew active young Japanese Spitz. Though he can be a bit yapping snappy at the start, he soon mellows. He loves cruising around the park with other dogs.

Darwin thinks he is friendly and furry. We know he is very furry.


20150315_191114a grand (some say almost aloof) 4 year old dog, Millousch certainly has presence in the park. He enjoys checking out the place and seeing who is around.

Darwin thinks he is a woof, not aloof. Go figure.


Bo.kgBo is a very chocolate young labradoodle. He has just started coming to the dog park and is already happily bounding around the grounds.

Darwin thinks he is very chocolate, so is not edible for dogs. This is a good thing



20150329_164755Nala is a happy Hu… .Malamute. She lives with her mummy and friend Coco. A young dog, she loves running around the park with other Spitz and husky type dogs

Darwin thinks his neck hurts when looking up at Nala. Nala thinks the same,  looking down.

CoCo is a little fluffy fellow who is living with his buddy Nala. He is an active boy who plays with the smaller Dogs in park.

20150329_164745Darwin thinks CoCo is a good name because he is off-white.  Like Chip on a clean day.

Thanks for the vote of confidence, says Chip.



Echo is a mature 9 year old beagle. He has recently found the park and is really enjoying the sniffs.

Darwin wonders if he was ever in the Customs Department. The way Darwin is peeing, Echo probably thinks Darwin is in the fire department.


Jackson is a 2 year old fox terrier pomeranian cross. He is a cool dog who loves the agility equipment.

Jackson and Echo are best mates as their owners are sisters. Darwin thinks Jackson would make a good best mate for any dog.


1430032887416-1632886243Basil is a 6 month old Lakeland terrier. He is a very active dog who is happy around people and dogs.

Darwin thinks he is a secret agent for the Schnauzer Society. He saw through the haircut straight away. Smart boy, Darwin.


1430033487679-1623996179Little Milo is a young great miniature poodle. He is very active despite being very small.

Darwin would like to chase him around and around the park. Milo probably thinks that would be a great idea.


20150503_164441Kira is a playful 4 month old doberman. She loves bounding around the park and bumping into her favourite dogs and humans.

Darwin thinks she is a fine young puppy who still walks sideways.  Kira thinks this is a natural thing. Darwin knows everyone grows out of it eventually.

 Potus, Bruno and Taco

20150607_152257 20150607_15231820150607_151614Potus the Golden Retriever pup, Bruno the Staffy and Taco the Jug (Jack Russell / Pug cross) Are all new dogs to come into the park. Their owners are good friends.

Potus is the least bouncy Golden Retriever puppy Darwin has seen. He is very chilled, probably due to his name (an acronym for President Of The U S). Bruno is ball obsessed.  Luckily his obsession is with bigger balls. Duxx is very happy about this.  Taco is a little stick of Dynamite. Darwin loves watching him zip on by.



20150607_151504Hiro is a young Japanese Spitz who has recently found his way to the Allen Street dog park. He loves finding new dogs to play with. He has a great temper but can be a bit disobedient as he is easily distracted by smells. Darwin likes dogs with good sniff.



Sugar is a cute little chihuahua fox terrier cross. She is a brave first feisty dog who is happy rumbling with digs bigger than her.

Darwin thinks she is kind of sweet.



Bell is a mature but hearty and hale Jack Russell. She is quite happy to watch the dogs and the rest of the world go by with her owner.

Darwin thinks she is doing very well for a grand old dame.



Rosie is a happy Staffy who runs around a lot. She is very friendly and and gentle with other dogs.

Darwin likes the girl. He thinks she’s a great party animal.



Junior is a more elderly Maltese terrier cross. He like to wander among all the dogs and sniff around.

Darwin thinks that this is exactly what he would like to do once he retires.


20150703_163436Leo is a happy 4 year old cavoodle who has just found the Allen Street Dog Park.  He has a large family who likes hanging out with him.

Darwin thinks he is a cool dog. Leo knows he is.



Banjo is an Aussie Kelpie part Doberman boy. He is a busy dog that loves chasing and being chased.

Darwin thinks he is a great guy to run around and have a beer with.



Dogs at the Park – but Darwin can’t remember their names

Please comment below if you know who these guys and girls are.


 – Who is this?


- Who is this?


- Who is this?


- Who is this?





Dogs not at the Allen Street Park 

 PJ and Ruby

PJ and Ruby

PJ and Ruby

PJ and Ruby are a pair of poodles Darwin meet with quite regularly on walks in the mornings. PJ is the cute black fellow who is very happy to see and play with Darwin. Ruby, the light brown girl, is rather fearful and runs away from Darwin. She regains her courage once she is safe in her owner’s car, giving Darwin a salvo of barks. She is getting better slowly.

Ruby loves rolling in horrible smelling stuff. PJ likes to eat it. Darwin doesn’t seem to care much either way.


Maxie is a small dog who is Darwin’s occasional off-leash exercise partner. He likes to chase around with Darwin. Maxie is invariably in the company of his personal trainer and Owner.




If you would like to add your dog to Darwin’s friends list, please fill in the contact details below.

6 thoughts on “Darwin’s Friends

    1. niche Post author

      Thanks for visiting and feel free to pass around the blog’s address. Sorry about the long lag till replying

  1. Duxx


    I was just looking through your blog and wondering why you have chosen not to call Tallie a friend at The Allen St Reserve. He may be a bit strange with the air humping but he is a good dog to share the park with.

    1. niche Post author

      Fixing that.
      Sorry about the late reply. Trying to WordPress on an android phone is a bit like trying to play the piano in a strait-jacket, but I’ve sorted out a few work-around tricks (like using a full-sized computer – d’oh).

  2. Alison

    Hi, we met for the first time tonight at Allen St. Just thought I’d give you the correct spelling if you decide to add Mr Miyagi (black and white Staffie cross 6months) and Kaiju (RottiexKelpiexStaffie I yr) to your list – both rescues through Fetching Dogs although Mr Miyagi was only meant to be a foster dog but we fell in love with him and decided to adopt him.

    1. admin Post author

      Thanks for the Comments. I will put them both up on the blog very soon. I have just been very busy. See you at the park!


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