Category Archives: General

Dog Wrangling

Darwin demonstrates, with Tyson’s help, the venerable techniques of dog wrangling. It is an ancient beagle martial art, initially developed to protect members of certain mystical beagle clans from sudden attack whilst they were sniffing.. oops I mean meditating.

dog wrangling 2No dogs were harmed in this carefully choreographed demonstration by our experts. Do not try this at home. Especially if you only have 2 legs (3 legs are fine, Duxx).


All in a Dog Day’s Work

Apparently, a cash/drug dog sniffed out $140000 in a suitcase outbound from Perth International. The unlucky “owner” of the cash is facing some serious charges and possibly jail time.

So far, Darwin has sniffed out for his owner:

1. One rotten duck egg

2. A dead fruit bat

3. Last week’s chicken wing, which was kept for “just in case” moments in a hole under a cherry tree

4. The visitor who had already been in the house for 15 minutes (Darwin was busy sniffing out some unidentified odour in the back yard)

5. An old sock (Darwin’s owner suspects this was planted by Darwin after he had finished playing with it; the sock has been missing for a bout 6 months).

Darwin feels that his contributions over the course of a lifetime will be of more utility than a mere $140000.

Darwin sniffing Darwin at Clifton Gardens 20150131_133625


Doggy stay-overs

Simba is staying over with Darwin for the next week. The 2 dogs are having u great time with eat other. Here they are Day-dreaming of warm summer evenings, running around the park, warm grub and cool water. Long live the doggy buddy stay-over!



20150302_221757Darwin’s owner, however, is counting the days. Then the post disaster recovery/clean-up will begin.



Stick Etiquette and why 2 ends are better than one

Sticks are hot property in the park. They are rare  in the park and as mentioned before, they are some of the best toys for dogs (and owners). The happy dog who has a stick is therefore usually keen to hang on to it.

Fortunately, sticks are superior to balls because they have 2 ends. This means that occasionally sharing can occur. Here are some examples:

Stick both

stick 7

stick 5


Then there are dogs who are a bit possessive (or just like to gee up other dogs for a chase).

2 sticks

They remind me a bit of toddlers and their Rules of Ownership*:

1. If I like it, it’s mine.
2. If it’s in my hand, it’s mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it’s mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine.
5. If it’s mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
6. If I’m doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks just like mine, it is mine.
8. If I saw it first, it’s mine.
9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.

10. If it’s broken, it’s yours.
11. If it’s broken, but you are having fun playing with the pieces, it’s mine again.
12. If there is ANY doubt, it’s mine.

Kevin McHugh from


* Not to be confused with the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

Happy New Sheep/Ram/Lamb

Happy New Year to all those who are in touch with the Lunar Calendar. For the Chinese, it is the year of the “some animal with hooves and horns”. The translation is apparently a big hard to get across, but Sheep, Goats and Rams are all acceptable.

Sorry, Bedlington Terriers, no matter how hard they try to look sheepish, are not in the running.


“Boutchie apres championnat 004″ by David Owsiany – Licensed under GFDL via Wikimedia Commons

Here’s one of our park regulars trying to look like a Bedlington:



The next Year of The Dog will be in 2018. Hang in there guys.


Waiting for the change



It is 1:30 pm and a hint of the front that will Bring the change Is just appearing with the wind picking up and some clouds on the horizon.  Next week is expected to be wet and about 10 degrees cooler than this week.


Darwin doesn’t mind either way, as long as park time continues. His owner is dreaming of snow and the Arctic.

Beagle found on Mars

News companies around the world are wild with excitement over the discovery of a Beagle on Mars. But it’s not the furry, food-loving, wet-nosed variety that Darwin knows. Rather, it is  the Beagle 2, a Mars probe sent to the Red Planet in 2003. A collaboration between British scientists and the European Space Agency, the probe’s name honours Charles Darwin’s ship.

"Beagle 2 replica" by user:geni - Photo by user:geni. Licensed under GFDL via Wikimedia Commons -

“Beagle 2 replica” by user:geni – Photo by user:geni. Licensed under GFDL via Wikimedia Commons –

Unfortunately,  the Beagle 2 did not have successful landing. Contact was never established after the probe set down on Mars and the mission, like almost half of all Mars missions to date, appeared to be a failure. What happened to the probe was much speculated upon.



It took another Mars mission, the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, with a high-resolution camera,  to solve the mystery.  Beagle 2 had actually safely touched down, but probably did not deploy one of its 4 solar panels properly.  Because the radio antenna sat behind this panel, it never could make contact with earth.

Nonetheless, some believe the probe has continued gathering and storing data.  If this data could be retrieved,  it would be invaluable.  Unfortunately,  the nearest help is almost 2900 km away (and is not even a mechanic). The NASA rover Curiosity is still active, trundling around on the Mars surface at a maximum speed of 4 cm per second. Even if NASA deigned to send the Curiosity forth, it would take more than 2 years to reach the Beagle 2.


Darwin thinks it is better to just let sleeping dogs lie. Knowing how Darwin is in the morning, we concur with him.

Darwin Canberra with Coat 2014z zzzzz