Category Archives: Friends

Dog Wrangling

Darwin demonstrates, with Tyson’s help, the venerable techniques of dog wrangling. It is an ancient beagle martial art, initially developed to protect members of certain mystical beagle clans from sudden attack whilst they were sniffing.. oops I mean meditating.

dog wrangling 2No dogs were harmed in this carefully choreographed demonstration by our experts. Do not try this at home. Especially if you only have 2 legs (3 legs are fine, Duxx).


Doggy stay-overs

Simba is staying over with Darwin for the next week. The 2 dogs are having u great time with eat other. Here they are Day-dreaming of warm summer evenings, running around the park, warm grub and cool water. Long live the doggy buddy stay-over!



20150302_221757Darwin’s owner, however, is counting the days. Then the post disaster recovery/clean-up will begin.



Stick Etiquette and why 2 ends are better than one

Sticks are hot property in the park. They are rare  in the park and as mentioned before, they are some of the best toys for dogs (and owners). The happy dog who has a stick is therefore usually keen to hang on to it.

Fortunately, sticks are superior to balls because they have 2 ends. This means that occasionally sharing can occur. Here are some examples:

Stick both

stick 7

stick 5


Then there are dogs who are a bit possessive (or just like to gee up other dogs for a chase).

2 sticks

They remind me a bit of toddlers and their Rules of Ownership*:

1. If I like it, it’s mine.
2. If it’s in my hand, it’s mine.
3. If I can take it from you, it’s mine.
4. If I had it a little while ago, it’s mine.
5. If it’s mine, it must never appear to be yours in any way.
6. If I’m doing or building something, all the pieces are mine.
7. If it looks just like mine, it is mine.
8. If I saw it first, it’s mine.
9. If you are playing with something and you put it down, it automatically becomes mine.

10. If it’s broken, it’s yours.
11. If it’s broken, but you are having fun playing with the pieces, it’s mine again.
12. If there is ANY doubt, it’s mine.

Kevin McHugh from


* Not to be confused with the Ferengi Rules of Acquisition

Charlie has arrived

We welcomed Charlie and his mother, Bella, to the Allen Street Dog Park, for the first time this weekend. Darwin was the only dog around at first to greet them and they really enjoyed running around and sniffing at the park

Darwin and Charlie Park 1

Darwin and Bella Park 1

Darwin and Charlie Park 4

When some other dogs started to arrive, Bella and Charlie became anxious. Bella in particular worried about Charlie meeting the larger dogs.

Bella and Charlie in Park

However, with some persistence from everyone (dogs and owners) Bella relaxed a bit. Charlie also got the idea and, with Darwin keeping an eye on the situation, was chasing and playing with even the big dogs in no time.

Darwin among dogs

So the day ended on a good note. Charlie (and Bella) will need to come to the park quite a bit more to learn socialization skills with other dogs. In particular, Charlie hasn’t met Hendrix yet.

Hendrix 2

Darwin thinks that this is a good warning that most dogs want and in fact need to get out and about to meet other dogs. Otherwise, they can be fine with people but will stress when interacting with their own furry kind.

A family movie

This movie is just too cute to hide away. Here’s Charlie (Darwin’s son) at 8 weeks old.


Some of you might have noticed that Hendrix has similar markings to Charlie. I can confirm absolutely that they are two distinct dogs. Charlie has still to come to visit the Allen Street Dog Park.

Darwin thinks this is a good thing, since he would have to look after his kid instead of chasing after girl dogs and having a good time with his mates. His owner thinks Darwin should become more responsible. So does Bella, Charlie’s mother.

Waiting for Rain

Days of forecasting 60% to 70% chance of rain and likely thunderstorms, not a drop has hit the Allen St Dog Park yet. Instead, it has stayed to the West where, admittedly, it is much-needed.

The accuracy of the forecasters absolutely impressed Darwin, as no interruption to his park time developed. This allowed him to meet a number of new friends.

Sniff! hi how are you?

Sniff! hi how are you?

Also, some old friends have resurfaced after being away over the Holidays. They seem none the worse for wear. Darwin tells me some of them have resolved not to ever touch the turkey gravy again.

Seeing Double

20141231_173826 20141231_181909 20141231_181917 20150102_185947This is what happens with 2 beagles and 2 border collies in the park: Mayhem.

Hendrick, the young beagle, insisted on tackling everyone at the park, especially Loki the black border collie. Daytak the brown border collie also got a barrage of attention from the beagle pup.

Darwin thinks it’s too much work. He prefers to stay still until someone taps him on the shoulder.